API reference


This module defines the Configuration class.

class cfig.config.Configuration(*, sources: list[Source] | None = None)

A collection of proxies with methods to easily define more.

DEFAULT_SOURCES: list[Source] = [<cfig.sources.env.EnvironmentSource object>, <cfig.sources.envfile.EnvironmentFileSource object>]

The sources used in __init__() if no other source is specified.

class ProxyDict(dict=None, /, **kwargs)

An extended dict with methods to perform some actions on the contained proxies.

resolve() dict[str, Any]

Resolve all values of the proxies inside this dictionary.


.errors.BatchResolutionFailure – If it was not possible to resolve at least one value.


A dict containing all the resolved, unproxied, values.

resolve_failfast() dict[str, Any]

Resolve all values of the proxies inside this dictionary, failing immediately if an error occurs during a resolution, and raising the error itself.


Exception – The error occurred during the resolution.


A dict containing all the resolved, unproxied, values.

unresolve() None

Unresolve all values of the proxies inside this dictionary.

sources: list[Source]

Collection of sources to use for values of this configuration.

proxies: ProxyDict

Dictionary mapping configuration keys belonging to this Configuration to the proxy caching their values.

Typed with typing.Any so that proxies can be typed as the object they cache.

docs: dict[str, str]

Dictionary mapping configuration keys belonging to this Configuration to a description of what they should contain.

optional(key: str | None = None, doc: str | None = None) Callable[[Callable[[str | None], TYPE]], TYPE]

Mark a function as a resolver for a required configuration value.

It is a decorator factory, and therefore should be used like so:

def MY_KEY(val: str) -> str:
    return val

Key can be overridden manually with the key parameter.

Docstring can be overridden manually with the doc parameter.

required(key: str | None = None, doc: str | None = None) Callable[[Callable[[str], TYPE]], TYPE]

Mark a function as a resolver for a required configuration value.

It is a decorator factory, and therefore should be used like so:

def MY_KEY(val: str) -> str:
    return val

Key can be overridden manually with the key parameter.

Docstring can be overridden manually with the doc parameter.

register(key, proxy, doc)

Register a new proxy in this Configuration.

  • key – The configuration key to register the proxy to.

  • proxy – The proxy to register in proxies.

  • doc – The docstring to register in docs.


.errors.DuplicateProxyNameError` – if the key already exists in either proxies or docs.


Run the command-line interface.


This module contains all possible exceptions occurring related to cfig.

exception cfig.errors.CfigError

Bases: Exception

Base class for all cfig errors.

exception cfig.errors.DeveloperError

Bases: CfigError

A developer-side error: the user has no way to solve it.

exception cfig.errors.DefinitionError

Bases: DeveloperError

An error is present in the definition of a cfig.Configuration.

exception cfig.errors.UnknownResolverNameError

Bases: DefinitionError

It was not possible to get the name of the resolver.

Perhaps a call to functools.wraps() is missing?

exception cfig.errors.ProxyRegistrationError

Bases: DefinitionError

An error occurred during the proxy registration step.

exception cfig.errors.DuplicateProxyNameError

Bases: ProxyRegistrationError

Another proxy with the same name is already registered.

exception cfig.errors.UserError

Bases: CfigError

A user-side error: the developer of the application has no way to fix it.

exception cfig.errors.ConfigurationError

Bases: UserError

An error is present in the configuration specified by the user.

exception cfig.errors.MissingValueError

Bases: ConfigurationError

A required configuration key has no value.

exception cfig.errors.InvalidValueError

Bases: ConfigurationError

A configuration key has an invalid value.

This error should be raised by the developer in resolvers if the developer knows that a invalid value has been passed, for example:

def INTEGER(val):
        return int(val)
    except ValueError:
        raise InvalidValueError("Not an int.")

It is not raised automatically, as certain errors might be caused by a mistake in the programming of the resolver.

exception cfig.errors.BatchResolutionFailure(errors: dict[str, Exception])

Bases: BaseException

A cumulative error which sums the errors occurred while resolving proxied configuration values.

It inherits from BaseException to be distinguishable from regular :class:`Exception`s occouring inside the resolvers.

It uses some formatting tricks to display the missing keys in the configuration error message:

$ python -m cfig.sample.usage
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./cfig/sample/usage.py", line 7, in <module>
  File "./cfig/config.py", line 59, in resolve
    raise errors.BatchResolutionFailure(errors=errors_dict)
cfig.errors.BatchResolutionFailure: 4 errors occurred during the resolution of the config:
* EXAMPLE_NUMBER        → InvalidValueError: Not an int.
* DATABASE_URI          → MissingValueError: DATABASE_URI
exception cfig.errors.MissingDependencyError

Bases: CfigError

An optional dependency has not been installed, but it is required by a called function.


This module defines the Source abstract class.

class cfig.sources.base.Source

A source of values to be tapped by configurations.

Abstract class. Cannot be instantiated. Should be inherited from other source classes.

Other packages can add more sources directly to the cfig.sources namespace package.

abstract get(key: str) str | None

Get the value with the given key from the source.


This module defines the EnvironmentSource Source.

class cfig.sources.env.EnvironmentSource(*, prefix: str = '', suffix: str = '', environment=None)

Bases: Source

A source which gets values from environment variables.

prefix: str

The prefix to be prepended to all environment variable names.

For example, PROD_ for production environment variables.

suffix: str

The suffix to be appended to all environment variable names.

For example, _VAL for raw values.


The environment to retrieve variable values from.

Defaults to os.environ.

get(key: str) str | None

Get the value with the given key from the source.


This module defines the EnvironmentFileSource Source.

class cfig.sources.envfile.EnvironmentFileSource(*, prefix: str = '', suffix: str = '_FILE', environment=None)

Bases: EnvironmentSource

A source which gets values from files at paths specified in environment variables.

Useful for example with Docker Secrets.

get(key: str) str | None

Get the value with the given key from the source.